Find Childcare Subsidies and Providers
Both the University of Oregon and the State of Oregon offer assistance for student parents. Apply online through Engage.
UO Childcare Subsidy
The University offers a student fee-funded program for eligible student parents to help ease the cost of childcare. Although eligibility is based on financial need, we encourage all student parents and guardians to apply online through Engage. The 2023-24 academic year application is open; it closes on June 30, 2024.
Oregon DHS Employment-Related Day Care (ERDC) Reimbursement
The State of Oregon's Department of Human Services can provide families with financial help for childcare costs. The amount depends on the family's income, size, and the amount the childcare provider charges. As of January 1st, 2023, the program expanded to help non-working students with Day Care, including registration fees.
Preschool Promise
Preschool Promise is a statewide, publicly funded initiative by the Oregon Department of Early Learning and Care. It is a free, full-time preschool option for kids ages three and four, whose family income falls within 200% of the federal poverty level.
Oregon Student Childcare Grant
The Oregon Student Child Care Grant Program helps parents enrolled in postsecondary education to obtain safe, dependable childcare that supports their children's development while allowing completion of the parent's academic programs.
Find Child Care Oregon
Find Child Care Oregon helps families locate childcare through referrals and provides resources to make informed decisions about childcare needs.
Phone: 1-866-698-6155
Care.com Benefits (for certain UO employees)
Care.com helps you connect with caregivers in your area by searching the caregiver's network, posting a caregiver job, and screening applicants. Graduate employees, classified (union-represented) employees, officers of administration, and faculty members get access Care.com Premium as an employee benefit.
Phone: 541-346-3159