Health and Counseling Services
Enhancing overall health and safety of students by providing primary health care to students, health education, outreach activities, and emergency care. The mandatory Student Health Fee included in UO tuition pays for the majority of services at the Student Health and Counseling Center at Portland State University, excluding some such as labs, x-rays, and dental services. If you paid the spring term PSU Student Health Fee, you can still utilize SHAC services over the summer.
A PSU profile and ID number are created for all UO Portland students. Any fees incurred through PSU will be billed to this account and you will be sent a bill in the mail. More information is available at the PSU website.
UO Portland partners with Portland State University Center for Student Health and Counseling (SHAC) to provide health, counseling, and dental services to Portland-based students.
Contact SHAC
Hours: M-F 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. (during academic year)
Location: 1880 6th Avenue, Suite 200, Portland, Oregon 97201
- Medical and Counseling: 503-775-2800
- Dental Services: 503-725-2611
- After-hours Nurse Advice Line: 844-224-3145
To request a statement to submit to your private insurer: email the SHAC Billing Specialist at: shacbill@pdx.edu
Pay your bill by mailing a check or in person at: PSU Cashiers, Neuberger Hall 724 SW Harrison Portland, OR 97201
UO Student Health Insurance
The UO recommends that all students have health insurance to help cover unexpected medical expenses that may arise. If you do not have health insurance and are not covered on someone else’s plan, student insurance is offered through the UO.
Domestic Students
The UO health insurance plan is voluntary. The UO Student Insurance is a comprehensive, platinum-rated, federally certified Student Health Benefits Plan (SHBP).
International Students
All UO international students are required by the UO to have health plan coverage which meets the university’s established criteria. International students will be automatically enrolled in and billed for the UO insurance plan.
Private Insurance
SHAC is happy to provide you with a statement of services which can be submitted to your private insurer for possible payment. To request a medical/counseling statement to submit to a private insurer, e-mail shacbill@pdx.edu. Please include your full name, date of birth, PSU identification number, along with the date or dates of service. Please also indicate whether you would like the statement mailed to you or if you would like to pick it up from SHAC. The statement will be mailed to the address that is listed in Banner. You will need to present photo ID if you are picking up the statement at SHAC. A statement can only be requested and given to the student. Requests will be completed within five business days.
For domestic and international student health insurance questions, contact the UO Student Health Insurance Office at 541-346-2832 or uostudentinsure@uoregon.edu. Inform them that you are a Portland student.