Just like moving to a new house, there are many logistical details to move a university to a new campus. From determining where people and programs will go, to getting internet set up, to even learning about the quirks of each building, there is a lot to accomplish before we can open our doors.
Working groups – made up of content experts from various areas of the university – have been established to tackle the pressing logistical opportunities and challenges of making the campus ready for students, employees and community members.
- March – Announcement of intent to purchase campus
- June – Purchase finalized
- August – Space planning starts
- Fall – Space preparations begins
- Winter – Design work by architecture firms, site and IT improvements begin
- Spring – Renovations start, updated signage
- July – Some employees and programs will begin to move
- August/September – Some classes start on campus
- Winter/Spring – Renovations of spaces continues
- July – Final set of employees and programs expected to move (tentative schedule)
- Fall – All UO Portland classes offered on campus (tentative schedule)