Returning Student Orientation

Two UO students walk on campus

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Re-Orientation for Returning Students

Welcome back to UO Portland! We know you've been here before, but there are so many new things to see this year on campus. Our Re-Orientation programming offers events and activities to help returning students get acquainted with our newly renovated and expanded Northeast Portland campus. 

Campus Tours

Returning students have the opportunity to tour our freshly renovated campus before your first class of the term. Our tour guides will show you around the buildings, describe expanded campus resources, and outline upcoming events for community engagement and professional development. And they'll make sure you know all the best study spots, coffee shops, and local restaurants so you can get the most out of your campus experience!

Sign up for a returning student campus tour here.

Interested in volunteering as a campus tour guide? Reach out to our Student Life Engagement Coordinator, Emily Fischer, at to request more information.


Community and Engagement Events

You can reconnect with your classmates (and maybe even meet some new friends) the moment you step foot on campus! During your first week of classes, attend a variety of events designed to cultivate community and foster student engagement. From picnicking on the campus green to winning prizes to meeting likeminded students, there's something fun for everyone! See the full calendar of events here, or at the bottom of this webpage.


Catch up with Student Life

Our Student Life staff would love to connect with you! We can support you in accessing basic needs resources, help you set academic and career goals, and identify ways for you to get involved on campus and in the local community. For general inquiries, reach out to us at, or learn more about our individual staff members here

Follow our Instagram @uopdxstudentlife to be the first to know about free subsidies, food on campus, events, and important campus updates. 

Don't forget to read the weekly Quick Quack to stay in-the-know with what's happening around campus and beyond! The Quick Quack is also where we post internship and job opportunities, campus-wide events, student group info, and student highlights. Email your Quick Quack submissions to Submit a student highlight here

Orientation Events:

Thursday, September 26

12:00pm to 1:00pm - Campus Tour for Returning Students, Staff, and Faculty

Meet inside the first-floor entrance of the Portland Campus Center (2811 NE Holman St). Explore the newly renovated buildings, discover where campus resources are located, and learn about local restaurants and nightlife. RSVP for a Campus Tour.


Friday, September 27

12:00pm to 1:00pm - Campus Tour for Returning Students, Staff, and Faculty

Meet inside the first-floor entrance of the Portland Campus Center (2811 NE Holman St). Explore the newly renovated buildings, discover where campus resources are located, and learn about local restaurants and nightlife. RSVP for a Campus Tour.

Saturday, September 28

12:00pm to 1:00pm - Campus Tour for Returning Students, Staff, and Faculty

Meet inside the first-floor entrance of the Portland Campus Center (2811 NE Holman St). Explore the newly renovated buildings, discover where campus resources are located, and learn about local restaurants and nightlife. RSVP for a Campus Tour.


Monday, September 30

12:00pm to 1:00pm - Campus Tour for Returning Students, Staff, and Faculty

Meet inside the first-floor entrance of the Portland Campus Center (2811 NE Holman St). Explore the newly renovated buildings, discover where campus resources are located, and learn about local restaurants and nightlife. RSVP for a Campus Tour.


4:00pm to 7:00pm - All-Campus Welcome Reception on the Campus Green

Hosted by the Office of the Vice President, join us for a soft launch of our new Northeast Portland Campus. We'll have food, yard games, music, and prizes! This will be a great opportunity for students, faculty, and staff to connect, mingle, and have fun. Families are welcome and encouraged to join. RSVP here by September 20, 2024.


Tuesday, October 1

12:00pm to 3:00pm - Campus Resource Fair on the Campus Green

Explore campus resources at our interactive Campus Resource Fair! Meet with different campus departments, learn about community organizations, and discover student groups. Find ways to get involved, collect campus SWAG, listen to music, and share food with friends!


Wednesday, October 2

8:00am to 10:00am - International Student Coffee Social at Kiss on Campus

Meet other international students and connect over coffee or tea! Learn about campus and community resources for international students and ask questions about US and University processes for international students.


Thursday, October 10

5:00pm to 7:00pm - Student Group Social in the Campus Center

Are you interested in joining a student group? Drop in and connect student groups. Learn about the various student groups, meet students with similar interests and identities, and find your niche on campus. This is a great opportunity to reconnect with your peers after the summer!