Create Community at UO Portland
Can't find a student org that you're interested in? Start your own! All you need is a group of friends.
UO Portland Students can take one of two pathways when starting a student organization
Apply for recognition and funding from the Associated Students of the University of Oregon (ASUO)
Register their organization with the Center for Student Involvement (CSI)
CSI-Registered & ASUO-Recognized Student Organizations
CSI-registered and ASUO-recognized student organizations may be eligible to receive support and/or funding through CSI and ASUO. These organizations must meet certain criteria and follow ASUO/CSI processes. You can learn more about the criteria and processes and find links to the applications here. While ASUO and CSI are physically located in Eugene, UO Portland students have equal opportunity to access these organizations and register with/apply for recognition from these organizations.
We encourage all student groups to register with the Center for Student Involvement. If you need support navigating this process, reach out to pdxstudentlife@uoregon.edu with information about your student club.
Support from Student Life & Belonging
Student Life and Belonging can provide funding for events, advisory support for conflict resolution and writing official documents like bylaws and charters, and supporting your group's events and meetings through promotion and event coordination.
Access funding through Student Life and Belonging
To request funding from Student Life and Belonging for a specific event or meeting, email Dr. Sarah Kutten, Assistant Vice President for Students and Belonging, at skutten@uoregon.edu. Include the amount of funding that you would like to request, what will be purchased using that funding, and the general purpose of your event/meeting. Student Life and Belonging's funding cannot be used to purchase anything that will be used to sell products or generate additional funds. Student LIfe can provide up to $100 per year for student groups on campus, in addition to funds received from other groups, such as ASUO or academic programs.
Receive advisory support through Student Life and Belonging
Student Life and Belonging aims to provide advisory and structural support for all student groups on campus, regardless of whether your group is registered or affiliated with the University. If your group experiences conflict between individuals, faces challenges within academic programs or the University structure as a whole, or would like support in writing official documentation like bylaws or charters, schedule a meeting with Dr. Sarah Kutten, our Assistant Vice President for Students and Belonging.
Promote or plan your event through Student Life and Belonging
Student Life can reserve event spaces on campus with little to no cost, and can do the same on behalf of student groups. Student groups can also send promotional items, such as flyers or RSVP links, for upcoming group events to Student Life; Student Life can review and post these promotional materials in the weekly Quick Quack, as well as on our various social media channels and bulletin boards on campus. We can also support student groups in navigating purchase orders with external vendors and reimbursing members for personal purchases. Simply reach out to studentlifepdx@uoregon.edu to submit items to the Quick Quack or access support in event planning and space reservations.